Survival Analysis – Discrete Time Survival Analysis or Cox Regression?

cox-modeldiscrete datadiscrete timesurvival

In an RCT, I want to find out whether the treatment (treatment vs control) has an effect on the uptake of aftercare (yes/no + time). I have five measurement points, which are not equidistant (i.e., baseline, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 24 weeks after randomization). There are some questions regarding the difference between Cox regression and discrete-time survival analysis here, but I still wonder whether discrete-time survival analysis would be better in my case. As I read, there are two advantages of discrete-time over Cox regression: 1) handling of ties and 2) no proportionality of hazards. Regarding 1): the handling of ties should be no problem in interval-censored Cox regression. Regarding 2): as I normally would assume PH, but the time periods of my five measurement points are not equal in length, discrete-time survival analysis would be favored. Is that true?

EDIT: I am only interested in the first uptake of aftercare (or, conversely, no uptake at all until end of measurement period), so I don't care about whether aftercare was continued or not after uptake at other measurement timepoints, so the outcome can't change over time)

Best Answer

With only 5 time points and at most one event per individual, a discrete-time model would be the most natural. Interval-censored Cox regression is possible, but that's probably better reserved for situations where the time intervals differ among individuals. When the time intervals are the same for everyone, using binomial regression with a complementary log-log link provides a time-grouped proportional hazards model that's what you would get from an interval-censored Cox model. See this page. Other links in the binomial regression are possible, but wouldn't have the same proportional hazards interpretation.

The different lengths of the time periods don't really matter, unless you explicitly model time as other than categorical in the binomial discrete-time survival model. A Cox model per se doesn't directly evaluate event times at all. It only uses the order of events in time. The survival curves you can generate from a Cox model simply re-express the ordered events in terms of the times at which they occurred.