Statistics – Chi Square Test of Independence and Confidence Intervals Explored

chi-squared-testconfidence interval

Can you calculate confidence intervals when performing a chi square test of independence. Someone asked me to provide CI but I'm not sure how this is possible since the test only tests for indepedence.

Im comparing countries and whether or not they are single offenders or repeatable offenders. I found that a 5% level of siginficance to reject the null hypothesis. What is there to say more than there is an association between both variables.

I mean I could also measure that association with phi or cramers v but that's all I can really provide?

Am I wrong ?

Best Answer

The correct response would be, "Confidence intervals for what statistic [estimate of what parameter] ?"

Probably the most useful would be providing the confidence interval for phi (or Cramer's V), or for a meaningful odds ratio for the table.

Beyond that, you can provide whatever information is useful for the readers. Maybe, the proportions within each row or column ? Or the ratios of these ?

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