RandomForestClassifier AUC – Changing random_state Affects AUC in RandomForestClassifier Model

machine learning

I am looking at the AUCs of three RandomForestClassifier models. Before this, I split my data using test and train using a random_state.

When I change the random_state for the data split, the AUCs changes. Is this supposed to happen or does it mean my model most likely needs parameter tuning?

Here are the AUCs using a random_state of 1 and then a random_state of 2.

Model A. 0.76 -> 0.71
Model B. 0.73 -> 0.69
Model C. 0.57 -> 0.58


Best Answer


When you have one random state, you select certain data for training, develop a model, and then test the model on a holdout data set.

When you change the random state, you select different data for training, develop a different mode, and then test this other mode on a different holdout data set.

I would expect different models that are tested on different data sets to have different performance.

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