[Tex/LaTex] YAML Syntax Highlighting


The listings package does not support YAML out of the box. Does a package exist that extends listings with YAML support? More generally, is there a good listing somewhere of extensions to listings?

Best Answer

The »minted« package is your friend here. It uses Python Pygments as back-end for syntax highlighting. And one of the Pygments lexers is for YAML. An approach how to get a YAML script formatted could look like this.


  \section{The YAML Language}
    --- !clarkevans.com/^invoice
    invoice: 34843
    date   : 2001-01-23
    bill-to: &id001
        given  : Chris
        family : Dumars
            lines: |
                458 Walkman Dr.
                Suite #292
            city    : Royal Oak
            state   : MI
            postal  : 48046
    ship-to: *id001
        - sku         : BL394D
          quantity    : 4
          description : Basketball
          price       : 450.00
        - sku         : BL4438H
          quantity    : 1
          description : Super Hoop
          price       : 2392.00
    tax  : 251.42
    total: 4443.52
    comments: >
        Late afternoon is best.
        Backup contact is Nancy
        Billsmer @ 338-4338.

For details about the package and further options for customization please refer to its manual. The example script is taken from the YAML start page.

enter image description here