[Tex/LaTex] XYZ Coordinate System Drawing


I am beginner and I'd like to know if it is possible to recreate this image in Latex.

XYZ Coordinate System

I've tried to find some examples to help me, but I didn't succeed.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

after some hours and following your tips I've arrived at a acceptable solution.

            [axis/.style={thin, black, ->, >=stealth'}]

            \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (0,2) node [above, black] {\scriptsize +Z};
            \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (0,-2) node [below, black] {\scriptsize -Z};
            \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (-20:2) node [right, black] {\scriptsize +X};
            \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (160:2) node [left, black] {\scriptsize -X};
            \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (20:2) node [right, black] {\scriptsize +Y};
            \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (200:2) node [left, black] {\scriptsize -Y};

            \draw [thick](0,0.6) ellipse (0.3 and 0.1);
            \draw [thick](-0.3,0.6) -- (-0.3,0);
            \draw [thick](-0.3,0) arc (180:360:0.3 and 0.1);
            \draw [thick](0.3,0.6) -- (0.3,0);  
            \fill [lightgray,opacity=1] (-0.3,0.6) -- (-0.3,0) arc (180:360:0.3 and 0.1) -- (0.3,0.6) arc (0:180:0.3 and -0.1);
            \fill [white, opacity=1] (-0.26,0.6) arc (180:360:0.26 and 0.085) -- (-0.26,0.6);

           \draw [thick, <->, >=stealth'] (0.1,1) arc (-80:260:15pt and 5pt) node [right=14pt, black] {\scriptsize C};
           \draw [thick, <->, >=stealth'] (1,-0.45) arc (-170:170:5pt and 15pt) node [right=16pt, above=0pt, black] {\scriptsize A};
           \draw [thick, <->, >=stealth'] (-1,-0.3) arc (10:350:5pt and 15pt) node [left=17pt, above=4pt, black] {\scriptsize B};



XYZ Coordinate System