[Tex/LaTex] Wrong numbering in the List of Figures with subfigure package


I get a wrong numbering of subfigures in the List of Figures with the following MWE.

If I remove the FIGTOPCAP option or if I put the \caption on the top, the problem is solved, but I'd like keep them. Any idea?



            PIC 1
    \caption[Short Caption]{Long Caption}

    \subfigure[Sub-caption A]{\label{LabelA}%
                PIC 2A
    \subfigure[Sub-caption B]{\label{labelB}%
                PIC 2B
    \caption[General Short Caption]{General Long Caption\label{GenLabel}}

Best Answer

The subfigure package has long be declared obsolete. You get correct output with the successor package subfig (notice that you must use \subfloat instead of \subfigure and \subtable); the \captionsetup is drawn from the documentation to emulate the old options.





\framebox[0.4\textwidth]{PIC 1}
\caption[Short Caption]{Long Caption}

\subfloat[Sub-caption A]{\label{LabelA}%
  \framebox[0.4\textwidth]{PIC 2A}%
\subfloat[Sub-caption B]{\label{labelB}%
  \framebox[0.4\textwidth]{PIC 2A}%

\caption[General Short Caption]{General Long Caption\label{GenLabel}}

Here is the "List of figures"

enter image description here

and here's the part with the subfloats

enter image description here