[Tex/LaTex] Writing two partial differential equations in LaTeX


Do you know how is it possible to write this equation in LaTeX?
I tried with this type, but it seems that this is not the correct version of writing.


$$K_ox=\frac{d^(2/3)_o}{n_x} \frac{1}{[\frac{\partial h_o}{\partial s}]^2}$$


enter image description here

Best Answer

Your main error has been addressed in comments. For the rest see my MWE:

% arara: pdflatex


    K_{ox}=\frac{d^{2/3}_o}{n_x} \frac{1}{[\partial h_o/\partial s]^{1/2}}  
    K_{ox}=\frac{\sqrt[3]{d^2_o}}{n_x} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\partial h_o/\partial s}} 
or $\sqrt{\frac{\partial s}{\partial h_0}}$ or $\dfrac{1}{\bigl(\frac{\partial h_o}{\partial s}\bigr)^{0.5}}$

enter image description here