[Tex/LaTex] Wide table problem when generating PDF


I have a LaTeX wide table generated from a data frame in R using xtable, but when the PDF is created not all the data is shown, just a part of it, and the other part is hidden on the right of the PDF. How this can be solved?

cat("\\documentclass{article}\n\begin{document}\n", file=txt)
 print(xtable(table), include.rownames=TRUE, floating=FALSE, file=txt, append=TRUE)   
  cat("\\end{document}\n", file=txt, append=TRUE)

where should i place the scalebox thing ??

Best Answer

I would suggest either to rotate the Table, using the lscape package, or to resize your table (easier, IMHO) with \scalebox from the graphics package. I often use the latter for "not too large" tables (say, 10 rows by 5 to 7 columns with custom headings), that won't fit in a rotated page. It has to be done from within your tex file.

Here is a toy example:

  • In R:

    x <- replicate(2, sample(LETTERS[1:10], 100, rep=T))
    tab <- table(x[,1], x[,2])
    print(xtable(tab, digits=0), file="tab.tex", floating=FALSE)

Here we ask to write the resulting table in a file (you may have to change the full path to reflect your working tex directory), tab.tex. This way, you don't have to edit your Latex file too much.

  • In Latex:


The scaling factor used here, 0.9, means 90% of text width. See the on-line help for further details. You can then compile the resulting file with pdflatex.

There's a subtlety here: I didn't ask to get a floating table (see floating=FALSE when calling xtable()), bacause we can't use \scalebox around a float. Should you want to add caption, label, etc., you just need to replace the above command with


Finally, the landscape solution is easily obtained as



Here, it will work with or without asking for a floating object when calling xtable() in R.


With the syntax you provided in your updated question, here's is how it should read:

cat("\\documentclass{article}\n\\usepackage{graphics}\n\\begin{document}\n", file="1.tex")
cat("\\scalebox{0.7}{", file="1.tex", append=TRUE)
print(xtable(tab), include.rownames=TRUE, floating=FALSE, file="1.tex", append=TRUE) 
cat("}", file="1.tex", append=TRUE)  
cat("\\end{document}\n", file="1.tex", append=TRUE)

Here, tab refers to the two-by-two table from my example, replace it by table if you named it like this (which is not a good idea because this is the name of an R function). The table is already aligned on the left margin. So, if you want to change that, a quick and dirty fix is to ask for right to left shift (I'm pretty sure TeXnicians know of a better way to do that):

cat("\\scalebox{0.7}{\\hskip-50pt", file="1.tex", append=TRUE)
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