[Tex/LaTex] Why does the “Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr” error happen


I am new to LaTeX, but I have made a table using the code seen below before… I went to edit the table from an old template but received the extra alignment error. Can someone help spot where I went wrong or what I need to do?

\captionof{table}{\bf{Calculations for Proctor Compaction}} 
\label{tab:Calculations for Proctor Compaction} 
\begin{tabular}{ C{1.25in} C{0.85in} *4{C{0.75in}}}\toprule[1.5pt]
\bf Property & \bf Unit & \bf Test 1 & \bf Test 2 & \bf Test 3 & \bf Test 4 & \bf Test 5 \\\midrule
\bf Mass of Soil in Oven Can & grams & 43.67 & 67.93 & 52.98 & 38.87 & 66.38  \\\\
\bf Mass of Water in Oven Can & grams & 2.14 & 4.98 & 5.93 & 5.66 & 10.24 \\\\
\bf Moisture Content & [\%] & 4.90 & 7.33 & 11.19 & 14.56 & 15.43  \\\\
\bf Moist Density of Compacted Soil & $\frac{g}{cm^{3}}$ & 1.83 & 1.99 & 2.09 & 2.02 & 1.92 \\\\
\bf Dry Density of Compacted Soil & $\frac{g}{cm^3}$ & 1.74 & 1.85 & 1.88 & 1.76 & 1.66 \\


Best Answer

You have 6 columns in definition of your tabular, but for example this line:

\bf Dry Density of Compacted Soil & $\frac{g}{cm^3}$ & 1.74 & 1.85 & 1.88 & 1.76 & 1.66 \\

has seven of them. You should probably add one column to your columns definition.

(And please consider changing an obsolete \bf something into \textbf{something}).