[Tex/LaTex] Why are the inputs invalid in math mode? Why are the words running together


Please help. I can't figure out why I keep getting a message saying "command \textgreater invalid in math mode on line.." I get the same message for textless. Also, does this have anything to do with why my words are running together? Please help.

enter image description here


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% set theorem numbering

% header information
\title{F18-311 Writing Project 1}



\section{The Division Algorithm}

% Don't worry that the numbers won't match up exactly like in the textbook.

\begin{theorem} (Division Algorithm) Let a and b be integers, with b \textgreater 0. Then there exist unique integers q and r such that \[a=bq+r\] where 0 $\leq r \leq b$.


Existence of q and r. Let 

\[S = a - bk : k \in \mathbb{Z} and a - bk \geq 0 .\] 
\newline $If 0 \in S$, then then b divides a, and we can let q=a/b and r=0. If $0 \notin S$, we can use the Well-Ordering Principle. We must first show that S is nonempty. If $a - b * 0 \in S.$ If a \textless 0, then a - b (2a) = a (1-2b) $\in$ S. Therefore, a = bq + r, r $\leq$ 0. Then \[ a - b (q + 1) = a - bq - b = r - b \textgreater 0. \]
\newline Since 0 $\notin$ S, r $\neq$ b and so r \textless b.

Uniqueness of q and r. Suppose there exist integers r, $r^\prime$, q, and $q^\prime$ such that \[a = bq + r, 0 \leq r \textless  b and a = bq^\prime + r^\prime , 0 \leq r^\prime \textless b.\] 


Best Answer


% set page and text layout
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\headheight = 0.0 in
\headsep = 0.0 in

% set theorem numbering

% header information
\title{F18-311 Writing Project 1}



\section{The Division Algorithm}

% Don't worry that the numbers won't match up exactly like in the textbook.

\begin{theorem} (Division Algorithm) Let 
% not a and b
$a$ and $b$ be integers, with 
% not \textgreater
$b > 0$. Then there exist unique integers $q$ and $r$ such that \[a=bq+r\] where 
% the whole expression in math 0 $\leq r \leq b$.
$0 \leq r \leq b$.


Existence of $q$ and $r$. Let % never leave a blank line before display math
\[S = a - bk : k \in \mathbb{Z}
% and in text
\text{ and }a - bk \geq 0 

% avoid forced line breaks\newline

$If 0 \in S$, then then $b$ divides $a$, and we can let 
% whole expression in math
$q=a/b$ and $r=0$. If $0 \notin S$, we can use the Well-Ordering Principle.
We must first show that $S$ is nonempty. If 
% . not in math
$a - b * 0 \in S$.
%whole expressions in math
 If $a < 0$, then $a - b (2a) = a (1-2b) \in S$.
Therefore, $a = bq + r$, $r \leq 0$. Then
\[ a - b (q + 1) = a - bq - b = r - b > 0. \]
Since $0 \notin S$, $r \neq b$ and so $r < b$.

Uniqueness of $q$ and $r$. Suppose there exist integers $r$, $r'$,
$q$, and $q'$ such that \[a = bq + r, 0 \leq r <  b \text{ and } a = bq' + r' , 0 \leq r' M b\text{}.\] 

