[Tex/LaTex] what is the apostrophe symbol


The following code

\documentclass[varwidth, margin = 1cm]{standalone}
apostrophe '\\
apostrophe  as a Unicode character 2032 `^^^^2032\\ %requires xelatex                                                                                                                                         
apostrophe in math mode $'$

gives the result

enter image description here
As one can see the apostrophe in free form, as a Unicode character 2032 and in math mode appears in different ways.

How can I produce an apostrophe similar to the one in math mode in a free text without using the awkward step of going into math mode?

Best Answer

If you want to use pdflatex:







enter image description here

Don't use in math mode, unless it's for a single prime.

For XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX:


\setmainfont{Libertinus Serif}





The usage of \newunicodechar is a safety measure in case the font doesn't have the glyph corresponding to U+2032 PRIME.

enter image description here

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