[Tex/LaTex] What are the differences between \par\vspace{2cm}\noindent and \\[2cm]


I am designing a titlepage for my report and I am a bit confused in deciding to use either \par\vspace{2cm}\noindent or \\[2cm] (for example).

Shortly speaking, what are the differences between \par\vspace{2cm}\noindent and \\[2cm]? When do we have to only use one rather than the other one?

If MWE is really needed, see the following.



{\LARGE \sffamily Dissertation} \\[15mm]
{\large   ``The simplest proof of the last theorem of Fermat''}\\[5mm]
{\itshape A proof that elementary students can understand}


{\LARGE \sffamily Donut E. Knot}

    \large \sc
    Deparment of Mathematics \\[4mm]
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology \\[4mm]
    Boston, USA \\[4mm]



enter image description here

Best Answer

At the TeX level using \\ doesn't start a new paragraph while using \par obviously does. As noted in comments, When to use \par and when \\, or blank lines covers the difference between the two in general. To see what is going on in the current case, where we are talking about 'design', a small demo such as

Hello world\\[2cm]
More text
Hello world\par\vspace{2cm}\noindent
More text

is useful. Looking over the log, we see for the first case that between the two parts we have

....\penalty 10000
....\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil
....\penalty -10000
....\glue(\rightskip) 0.0
...\glue 56.9055
...\penalty 300
...\glue(\baselineskip) 5.16669
...\hbox(6.83331+0.0)x345.0, glue set 301.63881fil

while in the second there is

....\penalty 10000
....\glue(\parfillskip) 0.0 plus 1.0fil
....\glue(\rightskip) 0.0
...\glue 56.9055
...\glue 0.0
...\glue(\parskip) 0.0 plus 1.0
...\glue(\baselineskip) 5.16669
...\hbox(6.83331+0.0)x345.0, glue set 301.63881fil

With the standard settings you are not going to see any difference, but if for example \parfillskip was set to something for 'special effects' the results could be different. (In the \\ case, \hfil is inserted so will always be \glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil.) Similarly, notice that using \par adds a \parskip glue element, which again here is zero length with a small amount of stretch but could be a fixed value: this applies in addition to any \vspace. (Try \setlength\parskip{2cm} to see this.)

As in the more general case of comparing \par and \\ I'd suggest thinking about meaning. In the example in the question, the lines manually spaced out are conceptually connected (all part of an address), so \\ seems more natural than \par. The latter is often used between different 'blocks' in a title page: the parts are logically separate and often have font differences too.