[Tex/LaTex] Vertically align subfloats at the top while having subcaptions vertically aligned below the subfloats

subfloatsvertical alignment

I have a float with two subfloats:

A float with two subfloats

I want the circles to be vertically aligned from their top such as in the following figure. But I don't want the subcaptions to be placed above the subfloats but vertically aligned below as in the figure above.

A float with two subfloats with subcaptions above them

I'm not bound to any package in particular (even if I used subfig for this examples). I have tried http://gicl.cs.drexel.edu/people/tjkopena/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=SWAT.VerticallyAligningSubfigures, http://www.howtotex.com/tips-tricks/vertical-alignment-of-subfigures/ and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2328403/vertical-alignment-of-subfigures-latex without success.



%\captionsetup[subfloat]{position=top}% Uncomment this to generate the second figure


\subfloat[Small circle]{%
    \draw circle (1.25cm) {};
\subfloat[Big circle]{%
    \draw circle (2cm) {};


Best Answer

As suggested by Mico in his answer it can be done with the floatrow package. To make subcaptions it depends on subcaption which depends on caption.


\usepackage{calc}% To calculate width for \FBwidth



    \ffigbox[\FBwidth+0.5cm]% Width of subfloat
        \draw circle (1.25cm) {};
      \subcaption{Small circle}%
    \ffigbox[\FBwidth+0.5cm]% Width of subfloat
        \draw circle (2cm) {};
      \subcaption{Big circle}%


Vertically top-aligned circles with vertically aligned subcaptions below