[Tex/LaTex] Vertical spacing options in tables built under the tabularx package



  • Add a space above and below the text line containing the Table 1's column headers.
  • Add a space below the second hline.
  • Add a space above the third hline.

The code below contains the original table (#1) along with several failed attempts (#2,#3,#4)to accomplish the above mentioned goals.

Additional details:

  1. I am using pdflatex to render the .tex file

  2. I am using the tabularx package.

  3. I am using xtable() in R to build the .tex for these tables, but it's not necessary to answer the question with xtable options since I can edit the .tex after using R.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Suggestions?

enter image description here

enter image description here


\title{Understanding Tables: Vertical Spacing}
This report is designed to be a quick resource for editing the vertical spacing in 'tabularx' tables. \\

Type & Total & Mean & Median & Stdev & Min & Max \\
Test1 & 490 &  15 &   8 &  24 &   1 & 115 \\
  Test2 & 52610 & 1697 & 1620 & 430 & 920 & 2850 \\

\captionof{table}{Spaceing stretched above and below ALL cells}
Type & Total & Mean & Median & Stdev & Min & Max \\
Test1 & 490 &  15 &   8 &  24 &   1 & 115 \\
  Test2 & 52610 & 1697 & 1620 & 430 & 920 & 2850 \\

\captionof{table}{Spacing streched ABOVE header}
\rule{0pt}{4ex}Type & Total & Mean & Median & Stdev & Min & Max \\
Test1 & 490 &  15 &   8 &  24 &   1 & 115 \\
  Test2 & 52610 & 1697 & 1620 & 430 & 920 & 2850 \\

\captionof{table}{Spacing streched ABOVE ALL cells}
Type & Total & Mean & Median & Stdev & Min & Max \\
Test1 & 490 &  15 &   8 &  24 &   1 & 115 \\
  Test2 & 52610 & 1697 & 1620 & 430 & 920 & 2850 \\


Best Answer

Your approach here (in terms of horizontal rules) matches that of what is suggested by booktabs. Here's what I would use:

enter image description here


    Type & Total & Mean & Median & Stdev & Min & Max \\
    Test1 & 490 &  15 &   8 &  24 &   1 & 115 \\
    Test2 & 52610 & 1697 & 1620 & 430 & 920 & 2850 \\

  \caption{\texttt{booktabs} version}
  \begin{tabular}{l *{6}{r} }
    Type & Total & Mean & Median & Stdev & Min & Max \\
    Test1 & 490 &  15 &   8 &  24 &   1 & 115 \\
    Test2 & 52610 & 1697 & 1620 & 430 & 920 & 2850 \\


booktabs' \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule inserts additional (white) rules to separate the text around these rules a little. This, together with the use of an increased \arraystretch seems sufficient to obtain a breathable result.

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