[Tex/LaTex] Vertical space in table columns


I am creating following form. The table is meant to be filled manually using pen or pencil. But the space that becomes available in each line is limited (vertical). How can I increase vertical space in between the columns

    \usepackage{multicol, setspace}
    \usepackage{textcomp, booktabs,colortbl}


    \makebox[\textwidth]{Name :\enspace\hrulefill}

    \makebox[0.45\textwidth]{Dated: \enspace\hrulefill}
    \makebox[0.45\textwidth]{Ref: \enspace\hrulefill} 
    \section*{Present Problem}

    \section*{\large \textrecipe}
    \begin{tabular}{c p{3cm}p{3cm}clc} 
     Sr No & Drug & Dose  & Frequency & Duration & Remark \\ \midrule
    1 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

     2 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

    3 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\ 

     4 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\ 

    5 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night  \\

    6 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

    7 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\ \bottomrule 

Best Answer

You can use \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2}. Change 2 as you want for example 3.

    \usepackage{multicol, setspace}
    \usepackage{textcomp, booktabs,colortbl}


    \makebox[\textwidth]{Name :\enspace\hrulefill}

    \makebox[0.45\textwidth]{Dated: \enspace\hrulefill}
    \makebox[0.45\textwidth]{Ref: \enspace\hrulefill}
    \section*{Present Problem}

    \section*{\large \textrecipe}
    \begin{tabular}{c p{3cm}p{3cm}clc}
     Sr No & Drug & Dose  & Frequency & Duration & Remark \\ \midrule
    1 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

     2 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

    3 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

     4 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

    5 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night  \\

    6 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\

    7 &  &  & -~~ -~~ -  & x & before/with/after meals, at night \\ \bottomrule

enter image description here

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