[Tex/LaTex] Vertical help lines only in TikZ


The following tiKz code gives you a 100×10 grid of help lines.

\draw [help lines, dashed] (0,0) grid(100,10);

What is the code if you just want the 100 vertical helplines but not the 10 horizontal ones?

Best Answer

You can use ystep to fix the number of horizontal lines. For example, if you use ystep=10 with a 10 X 10 grid:




  \draw [help lines, dashed,ystep=10] (0,0) grid(10,10);


you get

enter image description here

And there is always brute force:




  \foreach \x in {0,...,9}{
  \draw [help lines, dashed] (\x,0) -- (\x,10);


enter image description here

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