[Tex/LaTex] Vertical Alignment in multirow using cells with >1 lines

longtablemultirowtablesvertical alignment

I want to vertically align (best would be to center) the text ("TEST") in the left (yellow) column of the following table. It works fine with multirow when every row has exactly the hight of one line:


\begin{longtable}{|p{0.025\textwidth}|p{0.775\textwidth}|>{\centering arraybackslash}m{0.2\textwidth}|}
 & \textbf{foo} & \textbf{bar} \\
 & \textbf{foo} & \textbf{bar} \\
\cellcolor{yellow}& short text & 1 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 2 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 3 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 4 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 5 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 6 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 7 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 8\\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 9 \\
\multirow{-10}{*}{\cellcolor{yellow}\begin{sideways}TEST\end{sideways}}  & short text &  10 \\


enter image description here

When there is a long text in one of the cells, the text of the left cell ("TEST") is aligned somewhere:



 & \textbf{foo} & \textbf{bar} \\
 & \textbf{foo} & \textbf{bar} \\
\cellcolor{yellow}& short text & 1 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & medium text ........ ....... ....... ....  ........ ....... ....... .... ........ ....... ....... ....needs two lines & 2 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 3 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 4 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & medium text ........ ....... ....... ....  ........ ....... ....... .... ........ ....... ....... ....needs two lines & 5 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & very long text ....... ......... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ ............. ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ...... needs lots of lines & 6 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 7 \\
\cellcolor{yellow} & medium text ........ ....... ....... ....  ........ ....... ....... .... ........ ....... ....... ....needs two lines & 8\\
\cellcolor{yellow} & short text & 9 \\
\multirow{-10}{*}{\cellcolor{yellow}\begin{sideways}TEST\end{sideways}}  & short text &  10 \\


enter image description here

How can I align the text of the left column in the second example?

Best Answer

From my experience multirow is not capable of a correct vertical alignment, if it spans multi-line cells. You can, however, adjust the alignment manually using the fixup-parameter:

% \multirow{nrows}[bigstruts]{width}[fixup]{text}

Other possibilities for solving this problem are discussed in "Centering mutirow text in a table whose cells contain several lines of text" and "How can I achieve proper vertical spacing for long blocks of text within a \multirow?".

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