[Tex/LaTex] Using \uncover in beamer with a counter


I am using a table in my presentation and it is ordered by date but I want some major dates to be visible on the first slide and all other dates to become visible slide by slide.

I thought it would be a nice way to define a command:

    \uncover<#1>{#2} & \uncover<#1>{#3} & \uncover<#1>{#4}\\

And I would like to have a table like this:

11.06. & ..begin.. & 24\\
\uncoverrowauto{11.06.}{begin subtask1}{24}
\uncoverrowauto{22.06.}{end subtask1}{25}
25.06.& ..mile stone.. & 26\\
\uncoverrowauto{25.06.}{begin subtask2}{26}
\uncoverrowauto{29.06.}{end subtask2}{26}

So it could become a big table and I am lazy so I would like to auto increment the counter when the rows are uncovered. Unfortunately this doesn't work, it compiles infinite number of slides.

Is there a nice solution for my wish or is the only way to define the slide manually where the different rows are uncovered?

As mentioned by David, here is a full example of what I have:






        \uncoverrow{\value{coveredRows} -}{#1}{#2}{#3}
        \uncoverrow}[4]{\uncover<#1>{#2} & \uncover<#1>{#3} & \uncover<#1>{#4}\\


    \begin{tabular}{| c l c |}
        Date    & Explanation & Week\\
        11.06. & Begin of work & 24\\
        \uncoverrowauto{11.06.}{Begin of subtask one}{24}
        \uncoverrowauto{22.06.}{End of subtask one}{25}
        25.06.& Mile stone of work & 26\\
        \uncoverrowauto{25.06.}{Begin of subtask two}{26}
        \uncoverrowauto{29.06.}{End of subtask two}{26}
        \uncoverrowauto{02.07.}{Begin of subtask three}{27}
        \uncoverrowauto{30.07.}{Begin of subtask four}{31}
        \uncoverrowauto{03.08.}{End of subtask four}{31}
        \uncoverrowauto{17.08.}{End of subtask three}{33}
        \uncoverrowauto{24.08.}{Planned end of work}{34}
        03.09. & End of work & 36\\


Best Answer

Here is the full solution, that was mentioned by Andrew. Thanks!!







        \uncoverrow{\value{coveredRows} -}{#1}{#2}{#3}
        \uncoverrow}[4]{\uncover<#1>{#2} & \uncover<#1>{#3} & \uncover<#1>{#4}\\


    \begin{tabular}{| c l c |}
        Date    & Explanation & Week\\
        11.06. & Begin of work & 24\\
        \uncoverrowauto{11.06.}{Begin of subtask one}{24}
        \uncoverrowauto{22.06.}{End of subtask one}{25}
        25.06.& Mile stone of work & 26\\
        \uncoverrowauto{25.06.}{Begin of subtask two}{26}
        \uncoverrowauto{29.06.}{End of subtask two}{26}
        \uncoverrowauto{02.07.}{Begin of subtask three}{27}
        \uncoverrowauto{30.07.}{Begin of subtask four}{31}
        \uncoverrowauto{03.08.}{End of subtask four}{31}
        \uncoverrowauto{17.08.}{End of subtask three}{33}
        \uncoverrowauto{24.08.}{Planned end of work}{34}
        03.09. & End of work & 36\\


The only thing is, that now the first cell of the rows have a leading space. Therefore I personally would remove the whitespaces in the definition of the two commands. But I'm not sure, if there's a better way, without destroying formatting.


I inserted % in the sample above to solve the problem with leading spaces.