[Tex/LaTex] Using the commands \pgfmathparse and \pgfmathresult


How do I use the commands \pgfmathparse {tan (pi/3 r)} \pgfmathresult
to draw the green line in the figure below?

\draw circle (1);
\draw[->] (-1.2,0) -- (1.2,0) coordinate (x);
\draw[->] (0,-1.2) -- (0,1.2);

\fill[fill=green!25] (0,0) -- (.2,0) arc (0:60:.2) -- cycle;
\draw (0,0) -- (60:1);
\draw[<-,red,line width=1pt] (60:1) -- (60:1 |- x);
\draw (0,0) -- (60:2);
\draw[<-,green,line width=1pt] (60:2) -- (1,0);

enter image description here

Best Answer

Not exactly sure what you are asking or what is wrong with what you have, but here is how I would do it: Use \pgfmathsetmacro which invokes \pgfmathparse and uses the result from \pgfmathresult.


\draw circle (1);
\draw[->] (-1.2,0) -- (1.2,0) coordinate (x);
\draw[->] (0,-1.2) -- (0,1.2);

\fill[fill=green!25] (0,0) -- (.2,0) arc (0:60:.2) -- cycle;
\draw[<-,red,line width=1pt] (60:1) -- (60:1 |- x);
\draw (0,0) -- (60:2);
%\draw[<-,green,line width=1pt] (60:2) -- (1,0);
\draw[<-,green,line width=1pt] (1,\YValue) -- (1,0);

I also removed the redundant \draw (0,0) -- (60:1); as that line gets overwritten by \draw (0,0) -- (60:2);.

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