Two-Column – Using Columns Environment in Normal Document


Is it possible to use the columns environment inside a normal document?
Up to now I only used it in the beamer environment where it turned out pretty handy.

Best Answer

Multi-column support in "normal" documents are default. For example, add the [twocolumn] option to your document class specification (in the standard document classes):


The layout resembles the following:

enter image description here

\section{First section} \lipsum[1-2]
\section{Second section} \lipsum[3-4]
\section{Third section} \lipsum[5-6]
\section{Last section} \lipsum[7-8]

This will provide a two-column layout. More than two columns is possible using the multicol package and using the multicols environment:

\begin{multicols}{<col nums>}

The layout resembles the following:

enter image description here

\section{First} \lipsum[1-2]
\section{Second} \lipsum[3-4]
\section{Third} \lipsum[5-6]
\section{Last} \lipsum[7-8]

Dummy text is provided by lipsum.

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