[Tex/LaTex] Using Bibtex with Texworks, undefined control sequence in bbl file


So I followed the advice given on a previous forum:

Compile with PdfLatex to get the .aux file
Compile with Bibtex to get the .bbl file
Compile with Pdflatex to incorporate the .bbl file

But when I did this last step I had an error saying "Undefined control sequence" in the .bbl file. The only thing I could come up with is that there is some formatting issue when reading the .bib file. I do not know how to overcome this though.

If someone has the solution, please could you help. I am using TexWorks (Texlive 2016)

Here is my file :



\newcommand{\eqnref}[1]{Equation ~\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\secref}[1]{Section~\ref{#1}}



And the error I get it this after compiling with Bibtex and then PdfLatex again:

(./mphys background report2.bbl ! Undefined control sequence. l.6 ...lov}, A., \& {Feldt}, M. 2010, in \procspie , Vol. ?

My .bbl file looks like this:

\begin{thebibliography}{1} \expandafter\ifx\csname     natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}\fi

\bibitem[{{Mller-Nilsson} {et~al.}(2010){Mller-Nilsson}, {Pavlov}, \& {Feldt}}]{2010SPIE.7740E..22M} {Mller-Nilsson}, O., {Pavlov}, A., \& {Feldt}, M. 2010, in \procspie, Vol. 7740, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, 774022

And my Bib file looks like this:

   author = {{Mller-Nilsson}, O. and {Pavlov}, A. and {Feldt}, M.},
    title = "{SPHERE data reduction software: first insights into data reduction software development for next-generation instruments}",
booktitle = {Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy},
     year = 2010,
   series = {\procspie},
   volume = 7740,
    month = jul,
      eid = {774022},
    pages = {774022},
      doi = {10.1117/12.857989},
   adsurl = {http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/abs/2010SPIE.7740E..22M},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}


Best Answer

Because I do not have your bibliography style aa.bst I simply used plainnat.

Please see that command \bibliographystyle{aa} needs no extention .bst.

To get rid of the error you get you have to define the used command \procspie in your code like

\newcommand{\procspie}{Proceedings of the SPIE} % <=====================

Change Proceedings of the SPIE to your needs ...

The following MWE compiles without error(s):

   author = {{Mller-Nilsson}, O. and {Pavlov}, A. and {Feldt}, M.},
    title = "{SPHERE data reduction software: first insights into data reduction software development for next-generation instruments}",
booktitle = {Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy},
     year = 2010,
   series = {\procspie},
   volume = 7740,
    month = jul,
      eid = {774022},
    pages = {774022},
      doi = {10.1117/12.857989},
   adsurl = {http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/abs/2010SPIE.7740E..22M},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}



\newcommand{\eqnref}[1]{Equation ~\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\secref}[1]{Section~\ref{#1}}

\newcommand{\procspie}{Proceedings of the SPIE} % <=====================


\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % <================================= aa, without .bst



resulting pdf