[Tex/LaTex] \usepackage{glossaries} won’t work after Miktex-Update/-Reinstallation


I'm struggeling with the same error described in this post Problems on Latex Compiler Errors. Here's an MWE


which produces the error

! LaTeX Error: File `mfirstuc.sty' not found.

(see complete log-file)

Last week I updated packages (as user and admin), but got an "update l3kernel…" error message afterwards when trying to compile an MWE (Miktex, TeXStudio, pdflatex). After deinstallation of Miktex and reinstallation everything worked fine until I tried to use glossaries.


After the synchronization (thanks Ulrike!) the installation worked for mfirstuc.sty, but now glossary-hypernav.sty can't be found

! LaTeX Error: File `glossary-hypernav.sty' not found.

(see updated log-file for details)

Best Answer

I had the same problem. I followed Ulrike's advice i.e. Synchronization of the local package databases (thanks Ulrike!!). It sorted out the initial issue.

Next I too ended up with the "glossary-hypernav.sty" not found error. I then went to Start-> All Programs -> MikTex 2.xx -> Maintenance(Admin) -> MikTex Package Manager (Admin) and scrolled down to glossary. I single-clicked on that, then on the plus (+) sign at the top of the window to add that package and it's all working now.

Thank you very much Ulrike for setting me on the right path - I had tried the second step several times with no result; the synchronisation was needed first.

(Forgot to add that before doing any of the above, as part of my efforts at trying to solve the problem I downloaded a copy of the "mfirstuc.sty" file and added it to my "C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\glossaries\base". However, I don't think this makes any difference.)