[Tex/LaTex] usepackage unicode-math led to insufficient symbol font errors


I'm working on a Chinese-English hybrid document. Previously I'm using pdflatex to build, but now have changed to xelatex in order to change math fonts.

However, many errors popped up when I try to change the fonts. My document is built well using both pdflatex and xelatex. But when I add the following content:

\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}

Many errors popped up, like this:

Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. \maketitle
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. \maketitle
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. \contentsline {chapter}{序言}{1}{chapter*.5}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. \contentsline {chapter}{序言}{1}{chapter*.5}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...一章\hspace {0.3em}}引言}{3}{chapter.1}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...rline {1.1}问题的提出}{3}{section.1.1}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...下的发展与变化}{3}{subsection.1.1.1}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...复用的分类}{3}{subsubsection.}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...的发展趋势}{3}{subsubsection.}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...}软件资源分类研究}{3}{section.1.2}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...类与)概况}{3}{subsubsection.}
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...和难点/新问题}}{4}{subsection.1.2.1}

The building progress finished eventually, and it did generate a readable pdf file without some math contents.

enter image description here

I have no idea of why these errors come up. I'm not quite familiar with LaTeX, and I am using a template by others. Who can help me with this problem?


Supplement 1: Thanks to advices from @egreg. I put up a minimal example that triggers this error.

Except the above error, this code also triggered some undefined control sequence error.

\documentclass[UTF8, colorlinks]{pkuthss}
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman} 
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math} 

I have checked the original error log again, found that many errors occur in \maketitle and \tableofcontents, also found:

Command \@footnotemark has changed.
Font shape `T1/LatinModernRoman(0)/m/n' undefined(Font) using `T1/cmr/m/n' instead'
Font shape `T1/LatinModernMath(0)/m/n' undefined(Font) using `T1/cmr/m/n' instead
Font shape `T1/LatinModernRoman(0)/bx/n' undefined(Font) using `T1/LatinModernRoman(0)/m/n' instead
Font shape `T1/LatinModernMath(1)/m/n' undefined(Font) using `T1/cmr/m/n' instead

I guess that something in the pkuthss class file might be the causes. However there was no error before I use the /setmathfont order.


Supplement 2: code in the template file(document class)

    % Add PDF bookmark for the title page.
        % It will be more nice to use this line skip level in the title page.
        % Make the title page centered.
            % Emblem and inscription of the university, and type of thesis.
                \includegraphics[height = 2.4em]{pkulogo}\hspace{0.4em}%
                \raisebox{0.4em}{\includegraphics[height = 1.6em]{pkuword}}\\[0.8em]
            % Title of the thesis.
            % Information about the author.
                % Slightly adjust the line skip when using new font size.
                    {\label@cauthor}        &
                    \pkuthss@int@fillinblank{1}{\pkuthss@tmp@len}{\kaishu\@cauthor}     \\
                    {\label@studentid}  &
                    \pkuthss@int@fillinblank{1}{\pkuthss@tmp@len}{\kaishu\@studentid}   \\
                    {\label@school}         &
                    \pkuthss@int@fillinblank{1}{\pkuthss@tmp@len}{\kaishu\@school}      \\
                    {\label@cmajor}         &
                    \pkuthss@int@fillinblank{1}{\pkuthss@tmp@len}{\kaishu\@cmajor}      \\
                    {\label@direction}  &
                    \pkuthss@int@fillinblank{1}{\pkuthss@tmp@len}{\kaishu\@direction}   \\
                    {\label@cmentor}        &
                    \pkuthss@int@fillinblank{1}{\pkuthss@tmp@len}{\kaishu\@cmentor}     \\
            % Date.


supplement 3:

I found that if I'm not using the unicode-math package, and only add the \setmainfont order, the file will build and present normally. So I guess that's not an issue related to the fonts?

\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}


supplement 4:

I have another minimal example to generate the error:

\documentclass[UTF8, colorlinks]{pkuthss}
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
test:$d=\left\langle t_1, t_2, \dots , t_T\right\rangle $\\
corpus:$c=\left\lbrace d_1, d_2, \dots, d_D \right\rbrace $\\

The errors are:

Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. test:$d
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...angle t_1, t_2, \dots , t_T\right\rangle $
Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts. ...brace d_1, d_2, \dots, d_D \right\rbrace $

If I change the first line to this, there will be no error. So what should I post from the pkuthss class file?

\documentclass[UTF8, colorlinks]{article}

Also I have noticed some warnings before the error:

Font shape `T1/LatinModernRoman(0)/m/n' undefined(Font) using `T1/cmr/m/n' instead


supplement 5:

updated to the latest version.

I have updated the pkuthss class file to the latest version, on https://github.com/CasperVector/pkuthss , as suggested by @Mico.
Unfortunately, the errors are still there…

When I try to build the minimal example in supplement 4, the same messages still popped up.

I feel so frustrated… Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

I have solved this question after consulting the author of pkuthss.cls.

Following his advice, there are two way to solve my problem.

  1. It's not necessary to use packge unicode-math to meet my requirement of changing math font. Two optional approach:

    a) Use document class with a parameter nopkufont: \documentclass[UTF8, nopkufont]{pkuthss} . The current font style are according to the regulations of our university, negate the parameter to use traditional latex font(latexsym).

    b) Change the cls file content:

      % Use Times New Roman / Arial according to school regulation.
      % Option used to prevent newtxtext from manipulating footnote marks.
      % Provides `\Box' for originauth.tex if newtx is absent.

Delete the line of \RequirePackage{newtxmath} will change the font of math contents to latin modern math without violating the PKU regulations.

You can use the above two solutions at the same time, that's what I did since no matter in which case I would like to use latin modern math as the math font and I might have to change the normal text to the newtx font if asked by the university.

  1. If sticking to the unicode-math package, reinstalltion has solved my problem.

Also noticed @egreg did not reproduce my errors, so there might be something wrong in my configuration of tex. As suggested by the author, I uninstalled the tex live and re-install the latest tex live version following the bootstrap guide given by the author (https://bbs.pku.edu.cn/attach/boards/MathTools/M.1435670549.A/pkuthss-bootstrap-0.1.5-r1.pdf?t=1464095057, in Chinese) (not too much changes compared with the normal installation progress).

After re-installation, my errors disappeared... I don't know why and how...

Anyway, my problem has been solved. I think this is such a specific issue only related to the thesis template of our university, may not be helpful to others. Anyway I posted the answer here, in case another PKU student encountered the same problem...

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