[Tex/LaTex] Use multiple columns as y-axis for a plot pgfplots


I am plotting a set of graphs using pgfplots and I am loading the data from a csv file. The csv file contains the results of a test which has been executed 10 times, and a column showing the average. I have ploted a graph using one column as the x-axis and another as the y-axis using the following code:

    only marks,
    mark size=2.9pt]

but what I need to do is plot all 10 columns, I could achieve this by repeating the code above for 10 times each time using a different column name in y={...}, however this is going to make the document a nightmare to deal with as I have multiple graphs, and in some cases I have to plot more then one set of results on the same axis. I tried to use y={column1,column2,...}, but this does not work. Is there some way of doing something of this sort, or perhaps, a way to set all the settings once then reuse them for 10 times (thus having to write only one line per column)?


Best Answer

You don't have to plot the 10 columns each in a separate figure, PGFPLOTS can handle more than one \addplot on the same two axes. Here is how you can do it:

\begin{axis}[<axis specifications>]
    only marks,
    mark size=2.9pt]

\foreach \column in {1,...,10}{
  \addplot+[] table[x={xColumn},y={column\column}] {file.csv};