[Tex/LaTex] Use curved voltage arrows for voltage source in circuitikz


I would like to use curved arrows for the voltage source when using the circuitikz package.
For example, using

    \begin{circuitikz}[european voltages]
    \draw (0,0) to[R, v^=$v_1$] (2,0);


    \begin{circuitikz}[european voltages]
    \draw (0,0) to[V=10V, i_=$i_1$] (2,0);

one obtains the following symbols:

How could I use the voltage arrow style from the first case on the source in the second case? That is: I want a curved voltage arrow for the source. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Best Answer

By default, the voltage arrow for voltage source is straight. One way to get the arrow is to draw it manually.

   \begin{circuitikz}[european voltages]
    \draw (0,0) to[V,l=10V, i_=$i_1$] (2,0);
    \draw (0.35,0.1) .. controls (0.7,0.7)  and (1.3,0.7) ..node[currarrow, sloped,  allow upside down, pos=1] {} (1.65,0.1);

enter image description here

PS: This might not be a good option when you have to do this multiple times.