[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence with table xcolor package


I'm trying to colour some cells in a table. I've read that I need to use the package [table]xcolor, but my file is not compiling when I insert that package, I get an undefined control sequence type of error, even without trying to colour any cells. My code is



\begin{tabular}{c | c | c}

N & 2 & 3 \\

2 & MS & MS \\



which does not compile, but if you comment the line \usepackage[table]{xcolor}, it does compile. The error I get is very long, it starts with:

! Undefined control sequence.
\CT@setup ->\@tempdimb \col@sep 
                                \@tempdimc \col@sep \def \CT@color {\global ...
l.7 \begin{tabular}{c | c | c}

Any solution?

Best Answer

The revtex4 class is incompatible with colortbl, because it redefines the tabular environment so \col@sep gets undefined. This is an important dimension register defined in the array package, which colortbl relies upon.

The class is, however, obsolete and remains for back compatibility. The revtex4-1 class doesn't suffer from the problem.



\begin{table}[htp!]% <------ Never just h!
\begin{tabular}{c | c | c}

N & 2 & 3 \\

2 & MS & MS \\

