[Tex/LaTex] “Undefined Control Sequence” error for several lines


I get "undefined control sequence" error message for several lines: "undefined control sequence" (after "\pagebreak", where I pressed ENTER for an empty line), "undefined control sequence \section", and "undefined control sequence \end{document}".

It is the first time that I installed TeXstudio on Windows 7. I also installed MiKTeX prior to TeXstudio. Moreover, I tried the code on Windows XP and didn't get the error messages at all.

The complete code is below.

\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing, patterns,shapes}

\title{the title}
\date{March 4, 2014}



This is the main text.


Best Answer

The following minimal example replicates the problem:



This is the main text.


It's obviously a bad interaction (incompatibility) between tikz and preview. Either drop the loading of preview, or load it with the [active] package option.