[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence error


I am playing with the code adapted from here.

   nodeline/.style={midway, rotate=#1, minimum height=3.5mm, minimum       width=2.5mm}, 

\begin{scope}[rotate=#1]% around={#1:(0,0)}
\def\alenanno{w}  %if it is ying
\clip (-1.1,3) -- (1.1,3) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\foreac \x [count=\xx starting from 0, evaluate=\xx as \y using (1.75+.5*\xx)] in #2{%
  \draw[line width=3mm] (-1.2,\y) -- (1.2,\y) node[nodeline=#1,fill=white] {};
  \draw[line width=3mm] (-1.2,\y) -- (1.2,\y);


When I compile, I am getting following error without output. Can anybody help with this?

ERROR: Undefined control sequence.
--- TeX said ---
 \trigram ...-- (1.1,3) -- (0,0) -- cycle; \foreac 
                                              \x [count=\xx starting    fro...l.23   \trigram{0}{b,w,w}

Best Answer

You spelled \foreach wrong and you are missing a set of braces around #2.

   nodeline/.style={midway, rotate=#1, minimum height=3.5mm, minimum       width=2.5mm}, 

\begin{scope}[rotate=#1]% around={#1:(0,0)}
\def\alenanno{w}  %if it is ying
\clip (-1.1,3) -- (1.1,3) -- (0,0) -- cycle;
\foreach \x [count=\xx starting from 0, evaluate=\xx as \y using (1.75+.5*\xx)] in {#2} {%
  \draw[line width=3mm] (-1.2,\y) -- (1.2,\y) node[nodeline=#1,fill=white] {};
  \draw[line width=3mm] (-1.2,\y) -- (1.2,\y);


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