[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence \draw and \end{tikzpicture}


I am trying to draw a picture in LaTex. When I compile the file it gives me an undefined control sequence error. I tried to compare it with my other documents but I can't find where the error is.
I am attaching here my file. Thanks in advance for your help!




\newcommand{\MOD}[2]{\pgfmathparse{int(mod(#1,#2))}\pgfmathresult }


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8, line width=1]

\definecolor{verde}{rgb}{0.12, 0.35, 0.14}
\definecolor{verde_1}{rgb}{0.22, 0.60, 0.15}
\definecolor{verde_2}{rgb}{0.30, 0.80, 0.20}
\definecolor{azul}{rgb}{0, 0.30, 0.80}
\definecolor{azul_1}{rgb}{0, 0.10, 0.60}
\definecolor{azul_2}{rgb}{0, 0.10, 0.90}
\definecolor{morado}{rgb}{0.7, 0.20, 0.50}


    (-11,4) node (1) [label=above:$\mathsf{G_{1}}$] {$\bullet$}
    (-11,3) node (2)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-11,2) node (3)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-11,1) node (4) [] {$\bullet$)
    (-11,-1) node (5) [] {$\bullet$}
    (-11,-2) node (6)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-11,-3) node (7)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-11,-4) node (8) [] {$\bullet$)

    (-9,4) node (9) [label=above:$\mathsf{G_{2}}$] {$\bullet$}
    (-9,3) node (10)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-9,2) node (11)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-9,1) node (12) [] {$\bullet$)
    (-9,-1) node (13) [] {$\bullet$}
    (-9,-2) node (14)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-9,-3) node (15)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-9,-4) node (16) [] {$\bullet$)

    (-7,4) node (17) [label=above:$\mathsf{G_{3}}$] {$\bullet$}
    (-7,3) node (18)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-7,2) node (19)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-7,1) node (20) [] {$\bullet$)
    (-7,-1) node (21) [] {$\bullet$}
    (-7,-2) node (22)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-7,-3) node (23)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-7,-4) node (24) [] {$\bullet$)

    (-5,4) node (25) [label=above:$\mathsf{G_{3}}$] {$\bullet$}
    (-5,3) node (26)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-5,2) node (27)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-5,1) node (28) [] {$\bullet$)
    (-5,-1) node (29) [] {$\bullet$}
    (-5,-2) node (30)  [] {$\bullet$}
    (-5,-3) node (31)[] {$\bullet$}
    (-5,-4) node (32) [] {$\bullet$)

    (-8,-6) node (33) [label=below:$\mathsf{\infty}$] {$\bullet$}



(9)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](17)
(17)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](29)
(13)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](21)
(21)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](25)
(2)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](22)
(22)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](30)
(6)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](18)
(18)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](26)
(3)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](11)
(11)edge[out=45,in=135, postaction={decorate}, rojo](27)
(7)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](15)
(15)edge[out=-45,in=-135, postaction={decorate}, rojo](31)
(4)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](16)
(16)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](20)
(8)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](12)
(12)edge[postaction={decorate}, rojo](24)




Best Answer

One of your copy/pastes has this line

(-5,1) node (28) [] {$\bullet$)

so it opens the braces and the rest is usual TeX behavior; complain about the most distant and irrelevant thing encountered in the code. I sometimes think that TeX reads twice to find the most obscure error message.

Also please check your package declarations, you practically load graphicx five times, pgf three times.

TikZ loads pgf and all pgf* modules and also loads graphicx.