[Tex/LaTex] Unable to Wrap Text inside Table in Beamer


I am trying to add a table in my beamer presentation. Please see the code below:


% break long word in tabular
% src: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/338524

\begin{frame}{My Title}
   a\_long\_word\_without\_space                & another\_long\_word\_without\_space                & one\_more\_long\_word\_without\_space               \\
   A very very very unnecessarily long sentence & Another very very very unnecessarily long sentence & One more very very very unnecessarily long sentence \\
  \caption{Wrap Text Inside Table}

Below is the screenshot of generated output:

enter image description here

How to enable text wrapping inside a table?

Best Answer

I found a workaround to the problem. The text wrapping is working fine for a sentence. However, text wrapping should be configured to work for underscore character too. Please see below the working code:


% break long word in tabular
% src: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/338524

\begin{frame}{My Title}
  % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/9938
   a\_long\_word\_without\_space                & another\_long\_word\_without\_space                & one\_more\_long\_word\_without\_space               \\
   A very very very unnecessarily long sentence & Another very very very unnecessarily long sentence & One more very very very unnecessarily long sentence \\
  \caption{Wrap Text Inside Table}

Please note that we allowed breaking on underscore characters locally by defining underscore as following \renewcommand\_{\textunderscore\allowbreak}. This workaround is taken from here

Below is a screenshot of the generated PDF:

enter image description here

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