[Tex/LaTex] Typesetting an empty square root


Is there a preferred way to typeset an empty sqrt? What I'm doing now is \sqrt{\phantom{a}}, are there other/preferred ways like a standalone symbol? Or should I just create a new macro with the phantom a?

Best Answer

The \surd command just produces the radical symbol √ as opposed to \sqrt{stuff} which typesets the square root of stuff with a bar over stuff. The Chicago Manual of Style uses just the radical symbol in the text "The radical sign √ is used to denote the square root".



\item The radical sign $\surd$ is used to denote the square root.

\item The radical sign $\sqrt{}$ is used to denote the square root.

\item The radical sign $\sqrt{\phantom{x}}$ is used to denote the square root.

Alternatively: the square root of $x$ is denoted $\surd x$ or $\sqrt{x}$.


Image of resulting document

The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics also just uses the radical sign (without an over bar) when defining both the terms "radical" and "square root".