[Tex/LaTex] Two separate acronym list using package glossaries


I want to create two separate acronym list.
One with 3 columns and the other with four columns. I have defined the two styles for the two types of acronym list, style1 and style2.

I have my acronym files INP-00-glossary.tex and INP-01-glossary.tex

How can I print two separate list of acronyms on separate pages?


The two lists I need are like following:
List 1: (Which I call Nomenclature) This list consists of all the mathematical symbols that I have used. For example

**Symbol     Description     Units       First used on Page No.** 

T            Temperature      K                    5

I have second list which is like following

**Term     Description                First used on Page No.** 

MD          molecular dynamics                       7

The Nomenclature I have defined as \acronym. For example


The Abbreviations I have defined as Glossaries. For example

  description={molecular dynamics},

Now When I refer to \gls{T}. it expands on first occurrence and puts the symbol T in parenthesis. But when I refer to \gls{md}, it only writes MD. I want it like the first list I have created, both expansion and abbreviation in parenthesis.

So I wanted both the list to be defined as acronyms.



    bookmarks=true,         % show bookmarks bar?
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\usepackage{tocloft}% deal with Tables of Con­tents
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %font encoding
\usepackage{lmodern} % better font
\usepackage{booktabs}%beautiful table
\usepackage{siunitx} %angstrom use: \si{\angstrom}
\usepackage{setspace}%one and half space
\usepackage{pdflscape} %landscape page
\usepackage{mhchem} %left superscript subscipt
\usepackage{float}%exact location
\usepackage{subcaption} % for subfigures

%glossaries and acronym
\usepackage[acronym,xindy,toc,numberline,indexonlyfirst, nomain]{glossaries}


%custom glossary style
% put the glossary in a longtable environment:
% Set the table’s header:
\bfseries Symbol & \bfseries Description & &
\bfseries Units & & \bfseries Page List
% No heading between groups:
% Main (level 0) entries displayed in a row optionally numbered:
\glsentryitem{##1}% Entry number if required
\glstarget{##1}{##2}% Name
& ##3% Description
& ##4% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##1}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##1}% Dimensions
& ##5% Page list
\\% end of row
% Similarly for sub-entries (no sub-entry numbers):
% ignoring first argument (sub-level)
\glstarget{##2}{##3}% Name
& ##4% Description
& ##5% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##2}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##2}% Dimensions
& ##6% Page list
\\% end of row
% Nothing between groups:
%END: custom glossary style

%custom glossary1 style
% put the glossary in a longtable environment:
% Set the table’s header:
\bfseries Term & \bfseries Description & &
 & & \bfseries Page List
% No heading between groups:
% Main (level 0) entries displayed in a row optionally numbered:
\glsentryitem{##1}% Entry number if required
\glstarget{##1}{##2}% Name
& ##3% Description
& ##4% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##1}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##1}% Dimensions
& ##5% Page list
\\% end of row
% Similarly for sub-entries (no sub-entry numbers):
% ignoring first argument (sub-level)
\glstarget{##2}{##3}% Name
& ##4% Description
& ##5% Symbol
& \glsentryuseri{##2}% Units
& \glsentryuserii{##2}% Dimensions
& ##6% Page list
\\% end of row
% Nothing between groups:
%END: custom glossary style

%START hyperlink glossaries of 2nd instance onward off
%% patch first occurence of "\@gls@link[#1]{#2}{\@glo@text}", as this is the one for \glsused{#2}


%END hyperlink glossaries of 2nd instance onward off

\renewcommand*{\glspostdescription}{}%removes dot at end
\glssetwidest{AAAAAAA}% widest name




%table header multiline START
%table header multiline END



\renewcommand*{\pagelistname}{First used on page no.}%
\usepackage{longtable}%for example, manual nomenclature



\Huge\bf{\uppercase{ The Title Page}}\\




%list of tables
\phantomsection \label{listoftab}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables}

%list of figures
\phantomsection \label{listoffig}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures}






The content of INP-00-glossary.tex

\newacronym[user1={$\AA$}]{a}{\textit{a}}{lattice constant}
\newacronym[user1={$K^{-1}$}]{alphat}{$\alpha_T$}{linear thermal expansion coefficient}

The content of INP-01-glossary.tex

  description={Monte Carlo},
  first={\glsentrydesc{MC} (\glsentrytext{MC})}
  description={molecular dynamics},
  first={\glsentrydesc{MD} (\glsentrytext{MD})}

The content of textbody.tex

\section{My First Section}

text first page \gls{MD}
text second page \gls{a}
text third page \gls{alphat}
text fourth page \gls{MC}

The name of the glossary styles

long6col and long6col1

Best Answer

This is the right way.

I added \glsaddall simply to add all entries in the lists.




% Your custom styles here
% \newglossarystyle{style1}{.....}
% \newglossarystyle{style2}{.....}








If you have the need to load the glossaries package with the option acronym


then you can use this workaround to load your database with acronyms: substitute the line





To solve your issue with \gls{md}, you should define the first key, which determines how the glossary entry is printed the first time it is used (it is automatic for acronyms, but not for common glossary entries).

This means that you have to rewrite your entry as:

  description={molecular dynamics},
  first={\glsentrydesc{md} (\glsentrytext{md})}