[Tex/LaTex] Two Pspictures beside each other


I'm trying to put two pspictures beside each other. I also checked the same question and tried the answer about defining two columns, but it didn't work and LaTeX considered those as undefined environments. I suppose that was because the answer which suggested columns was provided for the beamer class. What should I do to have these two beside each other ?





Best Answer

As mentioned in the comments, you could use two minipages here. Note that each time you \end{minipage} you should put a % to avoid an extra piece of space being put in- this means that you can split the page in half exactly, and not have any overfull hboxes. Try removing them to see the difference.







It's probably worth noting that some folks might recommend putting this in a floating figure environment. If you do so, then you don't need to use captionof{figure}{simple} and can simply use caption{simple} instead.