[Tex/LaTex] Two abstracts needed in apa6


I am supposed to write a manuscript based on apa6. Unfortunately I am located in Germany, so my professor wants to have 2 (!) abstracts – one in English ("Abstract" – as implemented in apa6 already) and an additional one, called "Zusammenfassung" (literal translation into German).

Does anybody have an idea how to get this done? I really don't want to manually insert a page…

Best Answer

The class has no provision for multiple abstracts. However you can still put another abstract, stretching a bit the \abstract command.

Add the option ngerman for babel,


and then type the abstract as

\abstract{This is the abstract in English.
% \par\medskip
% \section{\normalfont\normalsize\abstractname}
  \noindent Die Zusammenfassung.\par

Depending on the style chosen, the word “Abstract” appears or not. Without a minimal example of your setup it's difficult to chose between the possibility.

If “Abstract” appears in the document, then uncomment the second line, otherwise uncomment the \par\medskip line.

For keywords you can follow a similar path.

  1. Add


    to your document preamble, after \usepackage[ngerman,american]{babel}

  2. Specify your keywords as

    \keywords{Keyword one, keyword two
      \textit{\keywordsname:} Schl\"usselwort eins, Schl\"usselwort zwei

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