[Tex/LaTex] Tuples in LaTeX


I am learning to use TikZ to draw things in LaTeX. One of the things that TikZ seems to use everywhere for specifying coordinates is a tuple. For example,

  \node[isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle apex angle=70,
     draw=black,fill=white, inner sep=0pt,anchor=lower 
     fill=white, minimum height=2 cm] (a) at (0,0) {};

Creates a small isosceles triangle. Note the use of (0,0). Let's encapsulate making a triangle as above with the following macro.

  \node[isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle apex angle=70,
     draw=black,fill=white, inner sep=0pt,anchor=lower 
     fill=white, minimum height={#2} cm] (#1) at #3 {};}

Suppose I wanted to define a function that takes in a size and starting coordinate, and draws a "triangle" of triangles such as


The simple way to do this is to make a macro \TriTri, such that \TriTri{a}{n}{x}{y} creates a triangle of triangles, with bottom triangle anchored at (x,y).

  \Tri{#1}{#2}{(#3+#2,{sqrt(2*#2*#2)})}} %% note #3+#2 = (x1 + x2)/2 
                                         %% the sqrt bit is sqrt(size^2 + size^2)

I have gotten this to work! But what I would like to do is instead of having x and y input separately, I would like to have them input as a coordinate pair. I would like to reference the coordinates as \first,\second. So that \first(x,y) = x. The desired effect is that


would be the same as


Best Answer

You can use the xparse package:


\NewDocumentCommand{\Tri}{m m r()}
  \node[isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle apex angle=70,
     draw=black,fill=white, inner sep=0pt,anchor=lower
     fill=white, minimum height=#2cm] (#1) at (#3) {};

  \Tri{#1}{#2}(#3+#2,{sqrt(2*#2*#2)}) %% note #3+#2 = (x1 + x2)/2
                                      %% the sqrt bit is sqrt(size^2 + size^2)




The \Tri command accepts three arguments; the first and the second ones are enclosed in braces, while the third is between parentheses, so


In the body of the definition you'll use (#3) instead of #3, because the parentheses are stripped off.

In the case of \TriTri we have to split off the two coordinates, so we define four arguments; the first and the second ones are enclosed in braces; the third is what goes from ( to a comma, the final one is everything up to ).

Thus I have modified accordingly your code for \TriTri based on the requirements for \Tri.

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