[Tex/LaTex] Tricks to make macros expandable


Expandable macros are useful (I find working in the lion's mouth super cool). But they are difficult to write.

Can more experienced users give hints that help achieve expandability?

For example, we cannot use counters since the value cannot be changed when expanding. However, a trick might be to keep the value of the counter as the number of A (say) that we move around while expanding: 5 would be 'stored' as AAAAA, and we can add counters by moving the two lists of A together, etc. Of course, it is not efficient, but it is expandable, after all.

For definiteness, say that I want to define a macro whose argument is delimited like \verb: the first character token determines what the end-character is, so that any of \foo|...|, \foo'...', \foo+...+, etc. are treated identically. Can I do this in an expandable way?

Any other trick is welcome.

Best Answer

The answer to your question about how to write expandable macros doesn't lend itself to a single correct answer, so I'll make this one CW and maybe other people will feel an urge to contribute.

  • Use TeX's flexible macro argument parsing mechanism whenever possible rather than parsing input character by character (which is not expandable if you use \futurelet).

  • Separate conditionals into separate macros. For example, if you want to test if an argument token is some particular token, you can use \ifx\foo#1 ...\else ...\fi, but this introduces additional tokens in the input stream. A better way to do this is to use \def\iffoo#1{\ifx#1\foo\expandafter\@firstoftwo\else\expandafter\@secondoftwo\fi} which will not leave any extra tokens to deal with. (Herbert wrote something similar that scooped up all text up to the \fi that was pretty clever, but I think this is clearer.) It also nests well.

  • It can occasionally be useful to use a CPS.

  • In several situations, the expansion of a token is the full expansion of its argument. For example, \csname ...\endcsname will expand the ... fully. This can be used to compute a string of character tokens which can be recovered, expandably, using \string:


    This does lose the catcodes as all nonspaces will have catcode 12 and spaces will have catcode 10. In other situations the \romannumeral-`X\foo trick can be used to keep expanding \foo until an unexpandable token is reached. It will swallow a space token though.

  • Using ε-TeX extensions like \numexpr ...\relax, arithmetic can be performed expandably fairly easily. There is a mismatch between TeX's truncating \divide and ε-TeX's /, but this can be worked around with a trial multiplication and \ifnum.

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