[Tex/LaTex] Tree like items list


I'm trying to build a list in a file based on the Tufte-Latex book template: https://code.google.com/p/tufte-latex/

In keeping with the clean design, I don't need any font changes, blod or italics, and would prefer to avoid bullet points. Any idea how I can recreate the neat line-marking of this example?

Picture of layout

Best Answer

Quick hack with Tikz, I'm sure this can be improved/made more general with some work:


\newcommand{\mylist}{\tikz[overlay]\draw(-.2,-.2)--(-.2,.5) [path fading=east](-.2,.15)--(.1,.15);}
   \item Google
      \myitem Picasa
      \myitem Feedburner
      \myitem Youtube
   \item Microsoft
      \myitem Corel Corporation
      \myitem Zignlas
      \myitem MyBlogLog

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