[Tex/LaTex] Too much space above align-environment if very little text prior to it


I am using the tcolorbox package for some boxes which often contain equations. If there is some text prior to the equation- or align-environment which is long enough to force the equation to be set down a bit, there is no problem in spacing. Both boxes have the same height (see first picture).
There is no problem, when there is enough text prior to the align-environment.

But if there is not enough text above it, or no text at all, the equation-environment appears a bit further up, which is just right. But the align-environment does not behave like this, it has got too much space above it. That is why the two boxes differ in height (see second picture).
While the equation-environment appears a bit further up, the align-environment does not behave like this, if there is not enough text prior to the environment.

This is my MWE, which creates the boxes shown in the pictures:




empty,title={Example},attach boxed title to top left,
boxed title style={empty,size=minimal,toprule=2pt,top=4pt,overlay={\draw[colexample,line width=2pt] ([yshift=-1pt]frame.north west)--([yshift=-1pt]frame.north east);}},
overlay={\draw[colexample,line width=1pt] ([yshift=-1pt]title.north east)--([xshift=-0.5pt,yshift=-1pt]title.north-|frame.east)--([xshift=-0.5pt]frame.south east)--(frame.south west); },



% long text prior to the align-environment -> no problem
      \frac{5}{2} = \frac{15}{6}    


% long text prior to the equation-environment, for comparison
    \frac{21}{9} = \frac{7}{3}


% not enough text prior to the align-environment -> too much white space above align
      \frac{5}{2} = \frac{15}{6}    


% the same amount of text prior to the equation-environment, for comparison
    \frac{21}{9} = \frac{7}{3}


Is there a reason for the align-environment behaving like this or is this a bug?

And the more important question: How do I change this behavior of align, so that the box with the align-environment and just a bit text above it is as big as the box with the equation-environment besides it, so there is less space above the align-environment? Best would be to define this behavior globally, so I don't have to insert some command every time there is the align-environment and very little text above it.

Best Answer

This is a known problem: align doesn't use the shortskips.

The solution is to load the nccmath package (part of ncctools), and to use the \useshortskip command before align:




empty,title={Example},attach boxed title to top left,
boxed title style={empty,size=minimal,toprule=2pt,top=4pt,overlay={\draw[colexample,line width=2pt] ([yshift=-1pt]frame.north west)--([yshift=-1pt]frame.north east);}},
overlay={\draw[colexample,line width=1pt] ([yshift=-1pt]title.north east)--([xshift=-0.5pt,yshift=-1pt]title.north-|frame.east)--([xshift=-0.5pt]frame.south east)--(frame.south west); },



% long text prior to the align-environment -> no problem
        \frac{5}{2} = \frac{15}{6}


% long text prior to the equation-environment, for comparison
    \frac{21}{9} = \frac{7}{3}


% not enough text prior to the align-environment -> too much white space above align
        \frac{5}{2} = \frac{15}{6}


% the same amount of text prior to the equation-environment, for comparison
    \frac{21}{9} = \frac{7}{3}


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