[Tex/LaTex] Todo note steals space


I'm writing a larger document and I use the todonotes package to add reminders. For some reason, when I add a note, the space after the note's insertion point is removed. Here's minimal example:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\todo{stolen space} consectetuer adipiscing elit.

And here's the result I'm getting:

Image of a line with a todo note

And a blown up section of the missing space:

Blown up section, where the space is missing

I thought this might just be an artifact experienced while the notes are active, which would be acceptable since the final document will not have any notes, so I tried to disable them by \usepackage[disable,textsize=scriptsize,textwidth=2cm,shadow]{todonotes}. Now the notes are gone, but the space is still missing. It's bad.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a shortcoming of the todonotes package?

Also, I have noticed when I add {} to the end of the note (\todo{correct? spacing}{}), the missing space magically re-appears. However, I'm not sure it's a good solution.

Best Answer

My best guess is that this is a feature of todonotes and that you're supposed to put a space between the , and \todo. I've tested: This gives correct spacing.