[Tex/LaTex] TOC over multiple pages. Only first page is numbered

page-numberingtable of contents

my table of contents is multiple pages long. Only the first page of the toc is numbered, the following pages are not.

You can find my document modified as a MWE below. The first page of the toc is numbered with "iii", where as the the second page of the toc is without a page number.

Can this be fixed?

\author{Its Me} 
\date{\today{}, Wherever} 

\fancyhead[RO RE]{\fontsize{10}{12} \selectfont \rightmark}  \selectfont
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ieee, natbib=true, hyperref=true, sorting=none]{biblatex}
\geometry{top=25mm, left=25mm, right=25mm, bottom=30mm}





Best Answer

you have \pagestyle{empty} so no page numbers by default, except chapter opening pages typically have \thispagestyle{plain} so they get a number.

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