[Tex/LaTex] Title and author in header without fancyhdr


I'm trying to have the author names and title appear on alternating pages, respectively, in the center of the header. In addition I would like to have even numbered pages on the left in the header and odd numbered pages on the right in the header – Starting from page 2. I would like to avoid using the package fancyhdr as I do no want any line separating the header from the body.

Best Answer

You have several possibilities:

1) Using titleps



\author{First Author \and Second Author}
\title{The title}

\newcommand\Author{First Author---Second Author}




2) Using fancyhdr (with \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt} there will be no rule in the header):



\author{First Author \and Second Author}
\title{The title}

\newcommand\Author{First Author---Second Author}




3) Without packages:


\author{First Author \and Second Author}
\title{The title}

\newcommand\Author{First Author---Second Author}





In comments, it has been requested a solution without using the twoside class option:


\author{First Author \and Second Author}
\title{The title}

\newcommand\Author{First Author---Second Author}


