[Tex/LaTex] Tiny table problem


I'm trying to make a table like this:
enter image description here

But when i use this code to generate it:

 \caption{Elastic properties of tissue}
 \multicolumn{4}{c}{decagonal prism-shaped tumor}& \multicolumn{4}{c}{10-winged star-shaped base tumor}\\
Number of elements & Element type&Maximum relative error(\%) &Computational time(sec)&Number of elements & Element type&Maximum relative error(\%)&Computational time(sec)\\
21796 & C3D4T &0&19.27&22362&C3D4T&0&21.49\\
29725 & C3D4T &0.0751&23.44&29869&C3D4T&0.0665&23.56\\
44029 & C3D4T &0.0382&29.82&43366&C3D4T&00269&30.81\\

I get this:
enter image description here

Which the inside text is so tiny.

How can i fix that?

Best Answer

Like this?

enter image description here

In comparison to your code snipped I make the following changes:

  • made complete MWE
  • use tabularx instead tabular
  • renewcommand for column type X
  • use booktabs for horizontal rules
  • reduce font size to \small

Complete MWE:



\caption{Elastic properties of tissue}
\multicolumn{4}{c}{decagonal prism-shaped tumor}
    &   \multicolumn{4}{c}{10-winged star-shaped base tumor}            \\
    \cmidrule(lr){1-4} \cmidrule(lr){5-8}
Number of elements  & Element type  & Maximum relative error (\%)   & Computa\-tional time (sec) 
    & Number of elements    & Element type  & Maximum relative error (\%)   & Computa\-tional time (sec)    \\
21796   &   C3D4T   &   0       &   19.27   &   22362   &   C3D4T   &   0       &   21.49       \\
29725   &   C3D4T   &   0.0751  &   23.44   &   29869   &   C3D4T   &   0.0665  &   23.56       \\
44029   & C3D4T     &   0.0382  &   29.82   &   43366   &   C3D4T   &   00269   &   30.81       \\
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