[Tex/LaTex] Tikz trees – line feature


In my MWE :

  • why line width=0pt doesn't work ?
  • why the dashed argument on a level leeks on the next ?

enter image description here



\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=5mm,
    level 1/.style={sibling distance=32mm,line width=0pt},
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=16mm,dashed},
    level 3/.style={sibling distance=8mm,level distance=12mm},
    %level 4/.style={sibling distance=7mm},
    %every fit/.style={rectangle,draw,inner sep=3.5pt},

\node {$\bullet$}
child {node {P}
        child {node{PP}
            child {node{PPP}}
            child {node{PPF}}
        child {node{PF}
            child {node{PFP}}
            child {node{PFF}}
child {node {F}
        child {node{FP}
            child {node{FPP}}
            child {node{FPF}}
        child {node{FF}
            child {node{FFP}}
            child {node{FFF}}
    } ;


Best Answer

You have to change the edge from parent style



\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=5mm,
    level 1/.style={sibling distance=32mm,
      edge from parent/.style={draw=none}},
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=16mm,
      edge from parent/.append style={draw,dashed}},
    level 3/.style={sibling distance=8mm,level distance=12mm,
      edge from parent/.append style={solid}},
    %level 4/.style={sibling distance=7mm},
    %every fit/.style={rectangle,draw,inner sep=3.5pt},

\node {$\bullet$}
child {node {P}
        child {node{PP}
            child {node{PPP}}
            child {node{PPF}}
        child {node{PF}
            child {node{PFP}}
            child {node{PFF}}
child {node {F}
        child {node{FP}
            child {node{FPP}}
            child {node{FPF}}
        child {node{FF}
            child {node{FFP}}
            child {node{FFF}}
    } ;


enter image description here

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