[Tex/LaTex] TikZ node connection in pgfplots axis


I have functions plotted in separate axis environments (from pgfplots). In each axis I define a node and I would like to connect these nodes.

In this MWE it doesn't work: The node connection that should be between "sin" and "cos" is way off.


\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}



        \addplot {sin(deg(x))};
        \node (sin) at (axis cs:4,1) {sin};
        \addplot {cos(deg(x))};
        \node (cos) at (axis cs:-4,1) {cos};

\draw (cos) -- (sin);



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Best Answer

You don't need to put axes in matrix node which does nontrivial things. Use anchors instead



    \begin{axis}[name = sinax]
        \addplot {sin(deg(x))};
        \node (sin) at (axis cs:4,1) {sin};
    \begin{axis}[at={(sinax.outer east)},anchor=outer west]
        \addplot {cos(deg(x))};
        \node (cos) at (axis cs:-4,1) {cos};

\draw (cos) -- (sin);



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