[Tex/LaTex] tikz drawing a partitioned rectangle


I would like to draw the following figure, but I don't even know where to begin. This goes far beyond my tikz expertise. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it very much. Here is a skeleton code to get the rectangle going:



\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=2in,minimum height=2in,thick,text width=2in] (box1) {Type-B adaptable\\Type-B adaptable\\Type-C robust\\Type-B adaptable\\Type-A robust\\Type-A adaptable\\Type-B adaptable\\Type-C adaptable};


enter image description here

Best Answer

This is one solution. The curves are drawn via

draw[] (A).. controls (B) .. (C); draw[] (C) to[out=xx,in=yy] (E);

and the shaded line areas are done via clip skill with scope environment. Further the text are place via tikz node. Several style macros were predefined including the B/W shading.

enter image description here




\tikzset{rec/.style={thick,text width=2cm,font=\bfseries\large,align=left, text opacity=1},
line/.style={dashed, line width=2pt},
sharea/.style={shade, left color=gray!50, right color=white} % B/W shading
\path[sharea](-0.2,-0.2) rectangle (5.2,5.2);
\draw[line width=2pt] (0,0) rectangle (5,5);
% north west lines area
\fill[pattern=north west lines,opacity=0.2] (1.8,3.8) to [out=-120,in=90] (2.5,0)--(0,0)--(0,3); % blue line to the left
\fill[pattern=north west lines,opacity=0.2] (0,5)--(3.7,5).. controls (3,2.5) .. (0,1.5)-- cycle; % Yellow line to the left
\fill[white] (3,5) to[out=-135,in=15] (1.8,3.8) to [out=-200, in=35] (0,3.4) --(0,5)--(3,5); 
\path[sharea] (3,5) to[out=-135,in=15] (1.8,3.8) to [out=-200, in=35] (0,3.4) --(0,5)--(3,5); 
\path[clip] (1.8,3.8) to[out=-120,in=90](2.5,0)--(0,0)--(0,5)--(3,5)--cycle; 
\fill[white] (3.7,5).. controls (3,2.5) .. (0,1.5)-- (0,5); 
\path[sharea] (3.7,5).. controls (3,2.5) .. (0,1.5)-- (0,5);left

%\path[draw] (0,0) grid (5,5);

\draw[line] (3,5) to[out=-135,in=15](1.8,3.8) to [out=-200, in=35] (0,3.4);
\draw[line] (1.8,3.8) to[out=-120,in=90](2.5,0);
\draw[line] (3.7,5).. controls (3,2.5) .. (0,1.5);
\draw[line] (5,2.5) to[out=-180,in=10] (2.6,2.6);
\draw[line] (4.2,2.5) to[out=-90,in=90] (4,0);
\draw[line] (4,1) to[out=160,in=0] (2.3,1);

% node to place text
\node[rec] at (1.2,0.8)           {Type-A, \\ robust};
\node[rec] at (2.5,3.3)           {Type-C, \\ robust};
\node[rec] at (3,1.8)             {Type-A, \\ adaptable};
\node[rec] at (1,4.5)             {Type-B, \\ adaptable};
\node[rec,rotate=40] at (0.8,2.5) {Type-B, \\ adaptable};
\node[rec,rotate=40] at (4.2,4)   {Type-B, \\ adaptable};
\node[rec] at (3.2,0.5)           {Type-B, \\ adaptable};
\node[rec,rotate=80] at (4.5,1)   {Type-C, \\ adaptable};