[Tex/LaTex] Tikz coordinate calculation


Consider the followinting tikz picture. I need to place the segment re-D so that its measure will be 8/9ths the measure of the segment ut-C. Now I just placed it at a random distance of 8/9 between ut and ut'.
What function should I use (intersect? sin, cos?) and how do I write it down for tikz?



\coordinate (o) at (0,0);
\coordinate [label=below:ut] (ut) at (2,0);
\coordinate [label=below:ut'] (ut') at (4,0);

\coordinate [label=above:C] (C) at (2, 2.4);
\coordinate [label=above:c] (c) at (4, 1.2);
\coordinate (O) at ($ (c)!2!(C) $);

\draw (ut) -- (ut');
\draw (ut) -- (C);
\draw (C) -- (c);
\draw (ut') -- (c);

\coordinate [label=below:re] (re) at ($ (ut)!8.0/9!(ut') $);

\coordinate [label=above:D] (D) at ($ (C)!8.0/9!(c) $);

\draw (re) --(D);

\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!1.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!2.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!3.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!4.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!5.0/6!(C) $) {};

\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut')!1.0/3!(c) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut')!2.0/3!(c) $) {};
\draw (ut') -- (c);


Thank you,

How to set the segment re-D so that its lenght is equal to 8/9 ut-C?




\coordinate (o) at (0,0);
\coordinate [] (ut) at (2,0);
\node  [xshift=-0.8ex, yshift=1.5ex] at (ut) {u};
\node  [xshift=0.65ex, yshift=1.6ex] at (ut) {t};
\coordinate (fa') at (4,0);
\node  [xshift=1.2ex, yshift=1.5ex] at (fa') {fa};

\coordinate [label=above:C] (C) at (2, 2.4);
\coordinate [label=above:c] (c) at (4, 1.2);
\coordinate (O) at ($ (c)!2!(C) $);

\draw (ut) -- (fa');
\draw (ut) -- (C);
\draw (C) -- (c);
\draw (fa') -- (c);

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (fa') ++({-(8/9*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate  (re)
         ++(0, {8/9*\y1}) coordinate  (D);

\draw (re) -- (D);
\node  [xshift=-0.7ex, yshift=1.5ex] at (re) {r};
\node  [xshift=0.7ex, yshift=1.5ex] at (re) {e};

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (fa') ++({-(64/81*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate  (mi)
         ++(0, {64/81*\y1}) coordinate  (E);
\draw (mi) --(E);
\node  [xshift=-1.2ex, yshift=1.5ex] at (mi) {m};
\node  [xshift=0.45ex, yshift=1.75ex] at (mi) {i};

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (fa') ++({-(3/4*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate  (fa)
         ++(0, {3/4*\y1}) coordinate  (F);
\draw (fa) -- (F);
\node  [xshift=-0.7ex, yshift=1.9ex] at (fa) {f};
\node  [xshift=0.7ex, yshift=1.5ex] at (fa) {a};

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (fa') ++({-(2/3*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate  (sol)
         ++(0, {2/3*\y1}) coordinate [label=above:G] (G);
\draw  (sol) -- (G);
\node  [xshift=-0.5ex, yshift=1.5ex] at (sol) {s};
\node  [xshift=1.2ex, yshift=1.9ex] at (sol) {ol};

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (fa') ++({-(16/27*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate  (la)
         ++(0, {16/27*\y1}) coordinate (A);
\draw  (la) -- (A);

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (fa') ++({-(128/243*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate  (si)
         ++(0, {128/243*\y1}) coordinate (B);
\draw  (si) -- (B);

\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!1.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!2.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!3.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [xshift=-0.5em, yshift=-2em] (c') at ($ (ut)!3.0/6!(C) $) {6};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!4.0/6!(C) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (ut)!5.0/6!(C) $) {};

\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (fa')!1.0/3!(c) $) {};
\node [xshift=0.5em, yshift=-2em] (c') at ($ (fa')!1!(c) $) {3};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (fa')!2.0/3!(c) $) {};
\draw (fa') -- (c);

\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (sol)!1.0/4!(G) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (sol)!2.0/4!(G) $) {};
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt] (c') at ($ (sol)!3.0/4!(G) $) {};
\node [xshift=-0.5em, yshift=-2em] (c') at ($ (sol)!3.0/4!(G) $) {4};

\draw[postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path,text align=center,text={Diapason},raise=5pt}}](ut)to[bend right=800] (fa'){};
\draw[postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path,text align=center,text={Diapente},raise=5pt}}](ut)to[bend right=800] (sol){};
\draw[postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path,text align=center,text={Diatessaron},raise=5pt}}](sol)to[bend right=800] (fa'){};


The @Fritz solution

Best Answer

You can either use the intersection library to calculate the intersection of the path (C)-(c) with another path at height 8/9C (the red path in the first picture).

\path[draw,red, name path=target] ($ (ut)!8.0/9!(C) $)
    node [label=left:8/9] {} -- ++(1,0);
\path[name intersections={of=target and C-c}]
    (intersection-1) coordinate[label=above:D](D)
    (intersection-1 |- ut) coordinate[label=below:re](re);

Using the intersection library

Or you could do the calculations yourself using the let syntax and the intercept theorem, which you have probably learned in school (second picture).

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (ut') ++({-(8/9*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate [label=below:re] (re)
         ++(0, {8/9*\y1}) coordinate [label=above:D] (D);

Using the let syntax

\usetikzlibrary{calc, intersections}

\coordinate (o) at (0,0);
\coordinate [label=below:ut] (ut) at (2,0);
\coordinate [label=below:ut'] (ut') at (4,0);

\coordinate [label=above:C] (C) at (2, 2.4);
\coordinate [label=above:c] (c) at (4, 1.2);
\coordinate (O) at ($ (c)!2!(C) $);

% Help path. Style draw,red is only for illustration.
\path[draw,red, name path=target] ($ (ut)!8.0/9!(C) $)
    node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt, label=left:8/9] {}
    -- ++(1,0);

\draw (ut) -- (ut');
\draw (ut) -- (C);
\draw[name path=C-c] (C) -- (c);
\draw (ut') -- (c);

\path[name intersections={of=target and C-c}]
    (intersection-1) coordinate[label=above:D](D)
    (intersection-1 |- ut) coordinate[label=below:re](re);

\draw (re) --(D);
\draw (ut') -- (c);

\coordinate (o) at (0,0);
\coordinate [label=below:ut] (ut) at (2,0);
\coordinate [label=below:ut'] (ut') at (4,0);

\coordinate [label=above:C] (C) at (2, 2.4);
\coordinate [label=above:c] (c) at (4, 1.2);
\coordinate (O) at ($ (c)!2!(C) $);

\draw (ut) -- (ut');
\draw (ut) -- (C);
\draw (C) -- (c);
\draw (ut') -- (c);

% Use basic school geometry to calculate intersection.
\node [fill=black, inner sep=1pt, label=left:8/9] at ($ (ut)!8.0/9!(C) $) {};

\path let \p1=($(C)-(ut)$), \p2=($(c)-(ut)$) in
    (ut') ++({-(8/9*\y1 / (\y1-\y2) - 1)  * \x2},0)
        coordinate [label=below:re] (re)
         ++(0, {8/9*\y1}) coordinate [label=above:D] (D);

\draw (re) --(D);
\draw (ut') -- (c);


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