[Tex/LaTex] Tikz: Arrowheads in the center


For arrows I have gone through options like ->, ->>, <-, <<- but havent found one for making the arrowhead appear in the center of the line of the curve (something like ->-) How do I do it in TIkz?

Best Answer

Perhaps you prefer this kind of syntax :


  mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{>}}},postaction={decorate}}}

 \draw[->-=.5] (0,0) to [bend left] (2,4);
 \draw[->-=.8] (0,0) to [bend right] (2,4);


If you only want an arrow in the middle of a path, you can write

  mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{>}}},postaction={decorate}}}

And the you just need to write :

 \draw[->-] (0,0) to [bend left] (2,4);

enter image description here

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