[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: add options to existing style


within \tikzset{...} I defined

row 1/.style={

such that for every table/matrix the first row is black with white text.
When I now manually add

row 1/.style={nodes={text height=1em, text depth=3em}}

to a specific matrix the other options I used within the tikzset (fill=black, text=white) are gone, so I would have to write them again in that row 1/.style:

row 1/.style={nodes={text height=1em, text depth=3em, fill=black, text=white}}

Is it possible to just ADD the 2 options above to the already defined ones?

Best Answer

As mentioned in section 82.4.4 Defining Styles of the TikZ manual (for version 3.0.1a, dated 29 Aug 2015), you can use stylename/.append style={<options>} to append to the end of an existing style. (There is also .prefix style which prepends to the style.)

So for your specific case, use

row 1/.append style={nodes={text height=1em, text depth=3em}}

(That this works also relies on the fact that nodes is a shorthand for every node/.append style={}.)

Complete example:

\tikzset{row 1/.style={


\matrix [matrix of nodes] { a & b \\ c& d \\ e & f \\};

\tikzset{row 1/.append style={nodes={text height=1em, text depth=3em}}}

\matrix [matrix of nodes] { a & b \\ c& d \\ e & f \\};

enter image description here