[Tex/LaTex] Thesis chapter headings, any suggestions


I've found a thesis with really beautiful chapter headings that I would like to use. What package am I going to need and how would I go about creating a heading that looks like the one below. Also, if you have or know of any nice headings do please share!
chapter heading

Best Answer

Here's an option using the titlesec package:


I've used the general format of the titleformat command:

% from the titlesec package
%\titleformat{ command }
%             [ shape ]
%             { format }{ label }{ sep }{ before-code }[ after-code ]

You can find more information by studying the documentation, and by viewing other similar questions on this site.

Here's a complete MWE to play with:

% arara: pdflatex

% title format for the chapter
            \\\vspace{.05cm}\titlerule\\\filcenter #1 \\\vspace{.25cm}\titlerule}
\chapter{First chapter}
\chapter{Second chapter}


You mention that you might like to see other ideas; here's another one, again using the titlesec package but without the explicit option - I have used the tcolorbox package to put a box around the chapter number. I don't know if I'd recommend it for a thesis, but it might give you some further ideas:


Here's the code:

% arara: pdflatex
% !arara: indent: {overwrite: yes}

% title format for the chapter
% custom chapter
{\normalfont\Large\filleft\bfseries}                    % format applied to label+text
{}                                                      % label
{1pc}                                                   % horizontal separation between label and title body
    % draw a box around the chapter number
            enhanced,flushright upper,
            drop fuzzy midday shadow=black!50!yellow,
    \end{tcolorbox}\Huge} % before the title body
[]                        % after the title body
\chapter{First chapter}
\chapter{Second chapter}
