[Tex/LaTex] There is a TikZ-impostor Among us


There is a TikZ-impostor Among us.


After learning about some amazing TikZ packages such as tikzducks, tikzpeople and tikzsymbols, which I let some examples below, I harvested some inspiration to starting learning skills in order to be able to create my own set of flexible TikZ drawings.

  \duck[body=blue,scale=.3, xshift=150pt];
  \node[duck] at (2,0) {};
  \node at (3,0) {\Smiley[2] \dNinja[2][green!50!black][blue]};
  \node at (4,0) {\Strichmaxerl[5]};
  \node[red] at (5,0) {\Strichmaxerl[5][45]};

enter image description here

When I just had an insight …

Among us

… “I could draw an Among Us Crewmate in TikZ!''.

The basic sketch came from this video: HOW TO DRAW AMONG US.
And I also checked some ideas to draw torsos.

enter image description here


What could be improved in order to evolve this basic sketch into something worth to become an TikZ package?

For example, tikzducks and tikzpeople has many optional extra features and, although tikzsymbols has a quite different approach, tikzsymbols still has some interesting options.

I will let an answer of my own as initial sketch.

Best Answer

The sketch below has a newcommand to insert a TikZ code to draw an Among us Crewmate.

This is not a fully functional design, but there are options of colors and two emotions: angry and very angry.

This is just a kick start in order to (one day) become something as good as other packages.


\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={very thick}]
  % Backpack
  \draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
  % Body
  \draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
  arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
  {[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
  -- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
  % Eyes
    {\draw[fill=#3]  plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
      {(4.3,4.7) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
    {\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{very angry}}
      {\draw[fill=#3]  plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
        {(4.4,4.3) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.6) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
      {\draw[fill=#3]  plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
        {(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
  % Leg detail
  \draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};

  \FHZamongUs[very angry]{red}{cyan}

enter image description here


New Styles with shadows

Using the idea of a scope inside a newcommand from this answer and the shade style from this video, I updated the previous drawing into a style spliting each part and creating newcommands to combine them.

It is still not the best approach to create shades but the result and new implementation are much better than the previous attempt.

I still intend to add a hand, create the emotions in the shade-ish style and update it as a package in CTAN.

The FHZ-amongUs.sty file:

\ProvidesPackage{FHZ-amongUs}[2020-10-18 Custom Package for my AmongUs sketch]


%  ======================================= Style 0 -- Original Idea
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={very thick}]
  % Backpack
  \draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
  % Body
  \draw[fill=#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
  arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
  {[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
  -- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
  % Eyes
    {\draw[fill=#3]  plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
      {(4.3,4.7) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
    {\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{very angry}}
      {\draw[fill=#3]  plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
        {(4.4,4.3) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.6) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
      {\draw[fill=#3]  plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
        {(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};}
  % Leg detail
  \draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};
%  =======================================

%  ======================================= Style I -- Manual Shade
    \fill[#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) coordinate(R1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2) coordinate(R2);
    \fill[black!30!#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (R1) -| ($(R2)+(0,-0.2)$)
    {[sharp corners]-- (1,3.5)}
    -- cycle;
    \draw[rounded corners = 3mm] (1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
    \fill[black!30!#2, rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
    arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
    {[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) -- (2.7,1)}
    -- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
    \fill[#2] plot[smooth, tension=.7]
    coordinates {(1.9436,5.2721) (2.0594,2.4257) (2.9347,1.3971)
      (4.4826,1.7343) (4.9666,3.0446) (4.9686,4.0294)
      (4.9797,4.7974) (4.6523,5.2436) (3.4183,5.6907) (2.5265,5.5757)};
    \draw[rounded corners = 3mm] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
    arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
    {[sharp corners] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
    -- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
    % Leg detail
    \draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};
    \fill[#2] plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
    {(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};
    {plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(3.1,4.7) (3.2964,4.8157) (3.2633,4.3111) (3.4423,3.8301)
        (3.794,3.6464) (4.3087,3.5904) (4.9485,3.5904) (5.2338,3.5723) (4.7492,3.2515) (3.5071,3.2661) (3.0208,3.6849) (2.9691,4.3844)}};
    \draw plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
    {(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};
    \fill[white] plot[smooth cycle, tension=0.7]
    coordinates {(4.3069,4.7316) (4.581,4.7457) (4.8219,4.7029) (4.9541,4.5887) (4.7168,4.5055) (4.3152,4.525) (4.168,4.6295)};
%  =======================================

%  ======================================= Style II -- shade
    \draw[shade, top color=#2, bottom color=#2!5!black, middle color=#2, rounded corners = 3mm]
    (1,1) rectangle ++(0.8,3.2);
    \draw[shade, top color=#2, bottom color=#2!5!black, middle color=#2,
    rounded corners = 3mm]
    (1.5,0) -- (1.5,5)
    arc (124.8074:103.8454:5) arc (80.6307:58.1808:5)-- (5,0) -- (3.7,0)
    {[rounded corners = 0mm] -- (3.7,1) coordinate(A) -- (2.7,1)}
    -- (2.7,0) -- cycle;
    % Leg detail
    \draw plot[smooth, tension=.7] coordinates {(A) (3.9,1) (4.2,1.1)};
    \draw[shade, inner color=white!95!black, outer color=#2]  plot[smooth cycle, tension=.7] coordinates
    {(4.3,4.9) (5.2,4.6) (5.2,3.5) (4.2,3.2) (3.1,3.5) (3.1,4.7)};
%  =======================================


The main.tex file:


  % ===========
  % ===========
  % ===========

\FHZamongUsOriginal[very angry]{white}{black}

and the results are:

enter image description hereenter image description here

Update 2

Avaliable in CTAN

I updated drawings, syntax and names creating a package that is now avaliable at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikz-among-us.

The documentation also presents some interesting applications such as animation and page numbering.